Do you sell using PayPal?
Did you know that you can customize your PayPal shopping cart and payment pages with your logo. It's easy, you just add one line of simple HTML code (we provide that, you can just copy and paste!).
The Catch!
If your logo is not hosted on a secure server your customers will get a warning message EVERY TIME they add an item to their shopping cart AND when they go to make their payment. This is not good.
SSLPal solves this problem!
For a nominal fee ($1 per month) you can host your logo on a secure server and brand both your shopping cart and your payment pages with your logo.
It's Easy!
1. Simply upload your logo
2. Pay - using PayPal
3. Check your email for the HTML code to insert on your web pages
You can change your logo any time, as many times as you want.
*By the way, we use PayPal's IPN (Instant Payment Notification) feature so your logo will be available right away!